ConnReg AT-HU
This project was successfully finished on 30/06/2019.
The main focus of the project CONNREG is based on the challenges identified in the previous RECOM projects including the lack of information on spatial development of the nearby region/country and the European Union.
The main goal of the project is to share the knowledge and information because one of the essential conditions of common cross-border spatial development is the existence of common knowledge base. The overall objective is to establish and share professional regional knowledge base, mutual understanding of regional management structures, raising awareness on cultural and organizational characteristics.
Cross-border training academy, and thematic expert materials / summary will be created as the base of the academy, as well as people-to-people activities will be implemented to strengthen direct relations between organizations. The direct beneficiaries will be the professionals working on different levels of regional development, local and regional decision-makers, civil society organizations.
The project focuses on three successive levels:
- Aid policy of the EU, cross-border planning, spatial and settlement development in Hungary and Austria.
- Relations between the local and macro-regional policies (EU Strategy for the Danube Region, Centrope, etc.).
- Establishing and implementing of people-to-people activities and networks on local level.
Regionalmanagement Burgenland GmbH
Strategic partners:
Magistrat der Stadt Wien, Magistratsabteilung 27 Europäische Angelegenheiten
Facts and information
Programme: INTERREG V-A Austria-Hungary
Lead Partner: West-Pannon Regional and Economic Development Nonprofit Ltd.
Project duration: 01.01.2016. – 30.06.2019
Amount of ERDF co-financing: 575 300,18 EUR
Total budget of WESTPANNON: 386 274,60 EUR