Sustainable transport and mobility in the tourism regions along the Danube
Brief summary
The project aims to establish sustainable mobility along the Danube in order to develop sustainable tourism and transport in an environmentally friendly way in the Danube region. The tourism income of the regions will increase because the sights located farther from the river will be more easily accessible for tourists as well. The development of sustainable transport will stimulate environmentally friendly mobility resulting in the reduction of greenhouse and exhaust gas emissions and noise pollution, as well as in the increase of services available for local residents. The results of the project will have a positive impact on both the region’s economic development and the quality of life of the local people.
To achieve these objectives, the Transdanube project brings the transport and tourism sectors closer together, and thus strengthens the currently weak cooperation.
Lead partner:
Environment Agency Austria (AT)
- Danube Tourist Commission (AT)
- Regional government of Burgenland (AT)
- Bratislava Self-Governing Region Department of Strategy and project management (SK)
- West Pannon Regional and Economic Development Nonprofit Ltd (HU)
- Bakony and Balaton Regional Tourism Nonprofit Ltd. (HU)
- Regional Administration of Vidin Region (BG)
- Club Sustainable Development of Civil Society (BG)
- The National Institute for Research and Development in Tourism (RO)
- The South-East Regional Development Agency (RO)
- Slovak cycle club (SK)
- Danube Office Ltd. DO (D)
- Danube Competence Center DCC (Serbia)
- Regional Agency for development of the Eastern Serbia (Serbia)
Available materials:
The regional situation analysis, action plan, marketing strategy and the sustainable tourism and transport packages prepared by the West Pannon Non-profit Ltd. are available on the project website.
Facts and figures
Funding program: SOUTH EAST EUROPE
Lead Partner: Environment Agency Austria (AT)
Project duration: 1st October 2012 – 31st October 2014
ERDF funding: 2,371,030.65 EUR
Budget of the West Pannon Non-profit Ltd.: 160,993.33 EUR

Bejczy Delinke